Our Team

Our Mission
Our mission is to provide support, education and events that are all inclusive and help to encourage athletes. To provide an inclusive, welcoming environment that meets the needs of its community. To improve triathlon, bicycling, running and swimming performance for anyone from beginners to elite athletes.

Our Team
Scott “Bike Evangelist” Wente
Scott began his bicycle shop career in 1991 in North Platte, Nebraska at a shop named Cycle Sport. From there, he moved onto The Bike Rack in Omaha, NE in 1997, Highgear Bike and Outdoor in La Vista, NE in 2003, and to Cronometro, Inc. in Madison, Wisconsin from 2006 to 2019. Now, Scott is the Co-Owner and Master Bicycle Technician at Velocity. In addition to working at bike shops, he’s also done ride support for Dairyland Dare, Horribly Hilly Hundreds, Insane Terrain, and many other events. He believes that a bike ride does not necessarily need to be preceded by a swim, or followed by a run. Scott also believes that whether you ride a little, or ride a lot, or swim or run with a bike, either way, you should ride.
Scott’s been in Janesville since 2006 with his wife, Leslie, and three children (Rachel (21), Ethan (18), and Zachary (15)).

Jaysen “Velocity Evangelist” & Julia “Event Management & Timing Evangelist” Jorgensen
Jaysen may be a newbie to the bicycle shop business, but he’s no stranger to the Swim, Bike, Run world. Jaysen’s competed in 2 IRONMANs, and 8 Half-IRONMANs. He’s ridden across Wisconsin twice and competed in the Wisconsin Tri-Series for two years. Most notably in Janesville, Jaysen rode 1649 miles in June 2013 to raise funds for Project 16:49. He hopes to inspire people to get out and move forward, whatever that may be.
A beginner to most things Swim,Bike,Run, Julia has dabbled in some 5K runs. She is excited to get on the new e-bikes so she can finally keep up with her husband, who she’s been supporting in his triathalon addiction. In 2018, Julia told Jaysen “no more full triathalons,” and so he completed 5 half-IRONMANs and opened a bike shop within the next year.
Jaysen and Julia have been married since 2010 and have been together since 2005. They are active members of the Janesville community and provide support in any way they can. They have three children (Quinn (19), Jacob (10) a 5-time Youth Triathlete, and Jordan (9) a 3-time Youth Triathlete
Why Shop With Us?
From beginner to professional and everything in between, we provide you knowledge training and service to keep you moving forward!
Stop in the shop and your jaw will drop!

Friendly Staff
We aren't your average shop. Our staff is helpful and crazy about all triathlon sports, together and seperate. We listen to your needs and work hard to help you find precisely the right products for you.

Quality & Value
We sell products from the best brands in the world. We offer great value to our customers through competitive pricing, quality products, and superior customer service.

Low Price Promise
If you find the same product in stock locally for a lower price within 30 days of your purchase, we’ll happily credit you the difference. Get the best products at the best price.